Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) has released a latest notification for the recruitment of pharmacist with advertisement number 04/2024
Opening Date for Submission of Online Applications: 13 /02 /2024 (13th February 2024)
Closing Date for Closing Date for Submission of Online Applications: 13 /03 /2024 (13th March 2024) (Till 11.59 PM)
Post name: pharmacist group C
Number of posts: 318
Pay scale: Level-5 (29200-92300)
Age limit: 27 for general category. Age relaxation is applicable as per notification.
- Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy (B.Pharm.) from a recognized university or equivalent and
- Registered as Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act-1948.
- The Selected candidate has to be registered in Delhi Pharmacy Council within Six months of joining.
Official website: click here

Application fees: Rs. 100/- (Rs. one hundred only)
- Women candidates and candidates belonging to Schedule Caste, Schedule Tribe, PwBD (Person with Benchmark Disability) & Ex-Serviceman category are exempted from paying Application fees.
- Ex-Servicemen who have already secured employment in civil post under Central Government /Government of NCT of Delhi or its Autonomous /Local Bodies on regular basis after availing of the benefits of reservation given to Ex-Servicemen for their re-employment are NOT eligible for fee concession
Exam pattern
Section – A
- General Awareness,
- General Intelligence & Reasoning Ability,
- Arithmetical & Numerical Ability,
- Test of Hindi Language & Comprehension,
- Test of English Language & Comprehension.
- (20 Marks each)
Section – B
Objective Type Multiple Choice questions on the subject concerned as per the qualification prescribed for the post
(100 Marks)
How to apply
- Eligible candidates may apply online through the website from 13/02/2024 up to 13/03/2024 (till 11:59 PM) after which the link will be disabled.
- The candidates must submit their application through Online Mode only. No other mode of application shall be accepted. Applications received through any other mode i.e. by post/by hand/by mail etc. will not be accepted and will be summarily rejected. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
Important note
- For applicants of all technical post codes, the mandatory minimum qualifying marks in Tier-I Examinations will be applicable only in r/o Section-B which is domain subject specific. There will not be any minimum qualifying marks in Section-A. However, combined aggregate marks of both Section-A & Section-B will be reckoned for preparing the final merit list.
- In case of II Tier examination, Tier-I examination is only qualifying in nature and used for short listing only. Further selection will be made on the basis of cumulative merit/marks obtained in Tier-II examination.
- DSSSB reserves the right to change/amend the examination scheme, if so required, any time before the examination.
- There is no provision of re-evaluation/re-checking of Answer Sheets/Answer Scripts in respect of the examinations conducted by DSSSB. No correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
- The DSSSB reserves the right to cancel/withdraw/delete any question/questions from the Question Paper and the marks scored shall be prorated out of the maximum marks.
- Negative Marking will be applicable and deduction of 0.25 marks will be made for each wrong MCQ answer.
- The Board, in order to achieve qualitative selection and to recruit the best talent available, has fixed the following minimum qualifying marks (wherever applicable) for different categories (UR/SC/ST/OBC/EWS/ PwD/Ex-SM)
- General/EWS :40%
- OBC (Delhi) :35%
- SC/ST/PH (PwBD) :30%
- Ex-Servicemen will be given 5% relaxation in their respective categories subject to a minimum of 30%, if post is reserved for Ex-Servicemen.
- Link for Mock test (which also include instructions to candidates about the online examination) is given on the website of the Board.
- Skill Test / Endurance Test will be taken as per requirement of job.
Official website: click here
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