Semisolid dosage forms

Semisolid dosage forms Semisolid dosage forms are medications that are neither solid nor liquid, but somewhere in between. They are typically applied to the skin, nasal mucosa, cornea, rectal or vaginal tissue, buccal tissue, ear, or urethral membrane. Examples include ointments, pastes, creams, emulsions, gels, and rigid foams. They contain one or more active ingredients … Read more

Pharmaceutical incompatibilities

Pharmaceutical incompatibilities Pharmaceutical incompatibilities refer to situations where two or more substances are mixed or come into contact, resulting in a negative effect on the quality, stability, efficacy, or safety of one or more of the substances. Incompatibilities can occur between different drugs, drug components, excipients, or drug delivery systems. It’s important to identify and … Read more


Suppositories A suppository is a solid medical preparation in a roughly conical or cylindrical shape, designed to be inserted into the rectum or vagina to dissolve. It’s a dosage form used to deliver medications by insertion into a body orifice, where it dissolves or melts to exert local or systemic effects. It’s a solid but … Read more

Monophasic Liquids

Monophasic liquids Monophasic liquids in pharmacy are pharmaceutical formulations that consist of a single, homogenous phase. They are typically comprised of a solvent, one or more dissolved active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), and various excipients. These liquids represent a true solution, which is a clear, homogeneous mixture prepared by dissolving a solid, liquid, or gas in … Read more

Liquid Dosage Forms

Liquid dosage forms Liquid dosage forms are pharmaceutical preparations in a liquid state that are administered orally, topically, or by injection. They contain a mixture of active drug components and non-drug components (excipients) dissolved or suspended in a suitable solvent or mixtures of solvents. They are designed to provide the maximum therapeutic response in a … Read more

Powders (BP103T)

Introduction In pharmaceutics, a powder is defined as a dry, solid substance composed of finely divided drugs, with or without excipients, intended for internal or external use. It is a solid substance in a finely divided state. Powders represent one of the oldest and most conventional dosage forms. They were originally found to be a … Read more